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a walk through the field on a sunny day

Joe and I went out for a walk oat Appleton Farms in Ipswich which is one of the Massachusetts trustee properties. It was gloriously sunny even though the wind was biting cold. It wasn’t so much of a hike as it was a walk on the trails. Joe isn’t in the best of health so we only got to walk for one slow mile. I was hoping for at least 3 briskly walked miles. He was sweating by the time we got back to the car even though it was so cold out. Next weekend I will go by myself on Saturday and then invite him for a shorter walk on Sunday.

We came home and had leftover soup and cornbread for lunch. A perfect day.

So. much confusion about this sign…dead slow isn’t actually slow.. it sort of implies no movement whatsoever.

Don’t even get me started on the horses, dogs, children.

We woke up Tuesday to another snowfall. By afternoon it had turned to rain so I’m glad I got a photo of it while I could.

So far we have had two small snowfalls but no snow days at school. I’m hoping for a few of them this year.

One of the children in my class came to school wearing this shirt. We had blueberries for snack…which she loved. It was so cute. Honestly though, she is the sweetest little thing and almost never very salty at all.

Occasionally, parents at my school will gift the teachers with cupcakes or donuts, or other various things. It’s very thoughtful of them. This week one of the parents gifted a large bag of Starbucks coffee. No one else wanted it so I got to take the entire thing home! Yay me!

8 thoughts on “a walk through the field on a sunny day

  1. I’ve been to Ipswich once. I remember it as a lovely town. I agree that the sign is a bit confusing. I guess by “dead slow” they mean “reaaaally slow”.

    The blueberry decorated t-shirt - she must really enjoy her blueberries.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. OOH a Starbucks coffee that you didn’t have to pay for…the best!!! I’m currently sipping my Sumatra blend right now 🙂

    LOVE the pic of the little girl in the blueberry stained tee.

    Yay for a good walk in the woods…..yeah that sign…that’s something!! hahaha.

    I’ve been to Ipswich twice….once to visit my husband’s grandfather when we were engaged and once when my aunt and uncle lived there for a couple years. beautiful on the north shore. LOVE it and wish we could live there.

    ENJOY the weekend!

  3. It’s so nice to see winter photos from your part of the country. It seems we’re all in a deep freeze right now. The blueberry-stained shirt is priceless.

  4. Gotta love that sign on the bridge… dead slow?

    That hike on the trail looks lovely. I haven’t bee out in over a week; the weather has just been too cold. I hope Joe can be out more and build up his walking ability.

    Starbucks coffee? Lucky you for getting it all! Yum!

    Maybe you will get more snow soon. We are in the middle of a snow storm. Like you, it is our first snow day of the season.

    Enjoy a white weekend!

  5. The leafless trees are very pretty. One mile is a long way to me!! I can barely do one block. So I think he is doing great! I’m sorry about his health! I love the way the streetlight is reflecting on the bricks.

  6. Looks like a lovely walk. Won’t be walking here in the sun without snow for a while yet!! I miss walking in town but like the snow.

  7. Such a nice walk you went on. Love that picture of the building. That’s a thoughtful gift of Starbuck’s coffee. I would have loved that. That first photo of the walk is simply wonderful.


  8. That sign is sooo confusing. Nice to get out for a walk even if it’s cold. Hope Joe’s health improves. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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