acres of sky · tables of paperwood · Windows of light · Winter · yellow delaney would sleep well at night

from the other side


I have been doing my first week of training in Watertown.

It’s only about 20 miles but it takes about an hour to get there in traffic.

I have to either through or around Boston…

The view from the roof of the parking structure is beautiful.

 I park up there even though I am there early enough to park on the ground floor.



Today I am at the center where I will be working!

I am so happy to be able to take the T and not have to drive!


It’s been rainy and grey most of the week but the temps. have been warm.


The daffodils are pushing up near the back steps..

little green shoots of hope


I am loving the time change. It’s so nice to have it still be light in the evenings.

Friday fave fives

skywatch friday


a brown eared dogmouse if one stopped by · childhood and stardom · Windows of light · Winter · yellow delaney would sleep well at night

childhood and stardom

your story is one of strength

girl who once sat at the hearth of my life

your story was darkness and light

when you were young we played

don’t step on the cracks

and I held your hand

now your steps are amethyst sparks

on the ground

where we once walked

can you still play this game in your oblivion

your  mirthful and defiant spirit

will always be a part of my story


the sunday whirl

a brown eared dogmouse if one stopped by · childhood and stardom · tables of paperwood · Windows of light · Winter · yellow delaney would sleep well at night

everything take away one



two of my own

and two of his

and one of someone elses

one from up the street

and two more of a different his

one of hers and one of the first his

and one of the second

in the outskirts

Once on a TV show I heard two girls refer to one another as

my person

and once I came home with a friend to flames at my house

I ran out of her car and into my door

shouting my people are in there

So many numbers….

we multiply

and divide

we add to our families

 death and circumstance take away

Really, we are fragments of once whole numbers


fractured by divorce or death or neglect…

we feel we are invisible


no number at all

we seek comfort in groups


but there is no safety net

not one of us equals one

we are all crumbled and  cracked and crippled

we are only pieces of hearts that are broken

we are only slivers of those who have touched us

like  kaleidoscopes glued together with paste

all kinds of colours

that glow sometimes

in the light of others

Once I heard some one say

we are one people

and I believe that is true

but that does not make me whole

I am still fractured numbers

I am still broken hearted

I am still alone

imaginary gardens with real toads

red legged chicken stands ready to strike · tables of paperwood · Winter · yellow delaney would sleep well at night

bells in the distance

In a dream you kiss me at sunrise

 when the skies run with mist and scarlet

your warm touch on my skin

is a threat to undo me

 the alarm bell makes me jump

as I cross into the world of the living

and standing with a group of people on the train I realize

there is not enough time for all the things I want you to do to me

The Sunday Whirl