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Green Day

The evenings are getting earlier now. It truly feels like Autumn. We turn on the fire when we get home from work and even the cat settles in.

I went to the nursery in town over the weekend looking for some mums for the windowbox. They were completely sold out and they told me that everyone else in town was sold out as well! So I picked up some winterberry plants, some holly, and a few small white pumpkins. Just around the corner there was a lichen covered branch that had been blown down in a storm so I grabbed that and stuck some of it into the back and added lights. It looks so pretty.

I began to put our little kitchen herb garden to bed on Sunday. The Rosemary which got huge over the summer is now in a pot at the top of the back stairs and some of the parsley is potted on the kitchen table. The day started out cold but by afternoon it was a beautiful fall day.

Our cat, Tucker, has been all filled with love for me lately. When he was a kitten he always cuddled with me and then he switched over to cuddling with Joe. Now he is back to curling up with me while I read on the loveseat. He even puts his sweet little paw over my leg so I won’t go anywhere. Last night he met me at the door and I pet him right away. I walked away to go into the kitchen and he ran up behind me and patted my ankle as if to say, “wait, I’m not done with you petting me yet!”

This is a little grove of trees on the campus of the Montessori school where I work. Maria Montessori believed that children need to have access to the beautiful and natural outdoor world in order to grow and develop best. I couldn’t agree more.

Friday fave fives

7 thoughts on “Green Day

  1. Your fall decorations look so homey. I wouldn’t have thought to use lights. I am wondering where I can put such an “arrangement” in my apartment.
    Cats are such expressive creatures. How fun to be loved on again by your pretty kitty. There is a neighborhood cat that has taken quite a fancy to my daughter. He certainly lets her know when petting time is NOT over.
    Your first photo is something I’d see in a magazine. You certainly have an eye for beauty. That is a beautiful treescape where you work. Nature is so healing, too.
    Have a good week, Kara.
    Susan from

  2. Your window box looks lovely and your cat is cute. We’ve had to put our heating on here too. It’s definitely good for children to be able to experience nature and you’re lucky to have that woodland area close to you. Have a good weekend.

  3. The window box is absolutely adorable!! Take away the pumpkins and you’re all set for Xmas!!
    I love the Montessori methods but it doesn’t work for children withmsoecial meeds. We do believe in spending lots of time outside though and we do!! Today we were out two different times! It’s been a glorious autumn here in NY!! Way better than our spring was!! That’s a pretty wooded area you have.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  4. I love the window box! It was a great idea to grab that branch and use it. And the pot where your parsley is, is just my color 🙂
    Cats give the best snuggles.
    Are you familiar with Charlotte Mason? She was a British teacher, turn of 20th century. Similar in her views of children needing to be out in nature everyday to Montessori.

  5. I totally agree with Montessori on that for sure. I try to get my dayhome children outside every single day. What a sweet kitty you have. I’m loving your window box, so pretty with the white pumpkins.

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