a simple garden · In the garden · January brings the snow · Out and about · Winter

a sojourner amongst mosses and lichens or Toadstools and other fungi

Let your focus shift to the scale of a dewdrop, the forest landscape now becomes the blurred wallpaper, only a backdrop to the distinctive moss microcosm.

Robin Wall Kimmerer

-a microcosm, in case you were wondering is defined as, “a community, place, or situation in miniture the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger.”

A sojourner is defined as, “temporary resident”

Nature notes

Communal Global

Wordless Wednesday

January brings the snow · our house · purple day · the rhythm of a simple home · Winter

The rhythm of a simple home

The good, the random, the fun…in no particular order

I was sick all last week with a terrible tummy bug. The wind roared up from the harbour and the rain blasted against the windows as I lay in bed. I couldn’t even look at a screen without feeling woozy.

I began to feel better on Friday and Saturday afternoon Joe and I shared bowls of homemade soup and cornbread while listening and old Neil Young record on the turntable. The rain had stopped by then and the sun was streaming through the kitchen window as we sat at the wooden table.

the good, the random, the fun

January brings the snow · Winter

Tanya Tucker

I am thankful for my little apartment which is warm and cozy though the snow fell and the winds came up from the harbour.

I have been walking round a very small pond on my lunch break. Monday the snow was fairly heavy but I was still able to get around in my boots. I wasn’t the first one to walk this path as you can see.

I watched a great show on Tanya Tucker and Brandi Carlisle on Netflix. It prompted me to purchase Tanya’s 2019 record which is fabulous!

Yes please! Let’s celebrate women in their 60s who are not allowing themselves to be put out to pasture…who are still living their lives, creating work, and celebrating who they are and who they are becoming.

Oh I’ve been sick, sick, sick with a stomach virus since Tuesday night. I am feeling a bit better today though I am not back to work.

Friday fave fives

home · January brings the snow · our house · Winter

The rhythm of a simple home

the good

We got our first winter storm of the season yesterday. It felt nice to be home all cozy and warm with no worries about having to get out to work or the market or…anywhere at all.

the random

The sign on the table says, Happy Birthday. I made it many years ago with my daughter, whose birthday we celebrated yesterday. She is 33 now which is ever so hard to believe. I keep the sign hanging someplace in my home all year round and when asked whose birthday it is, I reply, “It’s always someone’s birthday. Isn’t it?”

the fun

The next birthday we celebrate will be my youngest granddaughter, Natalie’s. She will be three years old toward the end of the month and has told everyone who will listen to her that she wants a rainbow cake. 

The good, the random, the fun

January brings the snow · our house · Uncategorized · Winter

Of a winter’s morn

Early Sunday morning and the rain is turning into snow. Winds have been blowing up from the harbour all night. The boughs of the big old pine in the neighbors yard are getting tossed about and the snow is beginning to accumulate on it’s gnarly and lichen covered branches.

I am sipping coffee slowly and listening to quiet music of a morning.

No hurry to get dressed, no hurry to go anyplace at all.

I think I’ll just stay and watch the snowflakes falling.